Thursday, June 30, 2011

Self esteem, story, and a necklace :)

So, hey guys! Well... Yeah, the three of you. Today I thought up a new problem it seems everyone has!... Sort of. I think I've written a few blogs about it before... BUT ANYWAYS!

Self esteem. Low? High? Average?
For most of my friends, it's very low. I guess it's just like that--- you undervalue what you are and overvalue what you aren't! (forgot who said that quote.)
I guess mine is on the low side. But c'mon, look at your positives and ignore them negatives!
Today I was going through my old pictures of myself and thought, "Dang, I was a hot kid!" haha just kidding (honestly I was ugly until I turned 11). But seriously, I looked at my recent pictures and my self esteem went on this random roller coaster. (sound fun?)
I thought, "Dang, I actually look good!" Then I thought, "wait, isn't it bad to have a high self-esteem?" I have no idea why I thought that! I guess I've read several places that "beauties have low self-esteems and uglies have high self-esteems" or something. But whatever. There is no ugly in my world! ... :) You're very pretty. I know that because my friends are the prettiest people in the world! >:D :)

So yeah... I have a mirror on my closet door, and it's in a spot I can see myself laying on my bed typing this. (OOOHH MY IPOD IS SHINING ON MY FACE!) Whenever I wake up I see that mirror, and this thought goes through my head: "I think I'm pretty." 
(well I don't really see myself because my light is always off, but whatever I can see a reflection XD)
You're pretty too ;D THERE IS NO UGLY IN MY WORLD!! Come join my world, I have cookies (: (you can't have any though.)

Oh, the dashes! That means a new subject, yes? Yes!

So my close friend (you're totally reading this) told me I should upload my short stories onto my blog, so here I go! But first let me note a few things:
- I write very depressing things. XD So if you don't want depressed then skip to the next three dashes or close this blog :) (unless you're heartless like me and these things don't depress you ^_^;) (what, it's not even the first story I've written about cancer :p)
- That last note was a lie, it isn't depressing yet.
- It's still just a jumble of words and ideas! ;D I was just writing down what came to mind. So it's sort of rushed. I'll fix that soon xD
- Slash things /like this/ mean "italic text" because most programs I use don't let me do italic, and I'm too lazy to edit this blog before I post XD (I write on the Notes app on my iPod, so yeah :P)
- I'm really obsessed with the name "Aliki" because I have a friend named Aliki. This would be very awkward if she saw this HAHA.
- Like, yeah that's all :) I'll post the story now:

Soundless footsteps shifted clumsily about the grassy floor. Cobwebbed branches of an old tree mercilessly tore up the soft, pale skin of a young child. Screams were not heard; they were non-existent. Thoughts rolled around, throbbing and echoing through her head. Where was she? When did she get there? /How/ did she get there? 
The girls (insert anger at self for not knowing if this is "girls'" or not) cloudy eyes shifted quickly around the forest. She wanted to shout out, but her vocal chords ached. 

Everything was quiet. Not a sound was heard. Where was her dog, the one that never left her? Where was the jingling of his tags as he ran beside her? An emptiness filled her gut. Her dog never, /never/ left her. He was more loyal than that!

Then she woke up. Alone, as always, laying in a hospital bed. Oh, no, what had happened this time?
Well, let me explain. Let me tell you a side story.
This young girl, seven years old, is a cancer sufferer. Her name is Aliki Jae, and she's in the hospital often. So what does she do when she's alone? What does she rely on for survival? Dreams. Dreams help her through life. 

You may ask, "does that hospital /really/ let dogs stay with patients?". The answer is no. 
Aliki's dog, Adrian, lives in her house with her father. He's in every single one of Aliki's dreams, though.

I should probably add this to the side story; Aliki's parents split up when she was two years old. She mostly lives with her mother and brother, and only visits her father and dog once every week (but only if she isn't at the hospital).

Story over! Bah it was boring right? Right? ;D Hah. Anyways, let us move on to a new subject! (insert wooshing noises here and fly to new subject.)

Soo. I cleaned my room the other day and it put me in a maker mood. XD 
Guess what I've been working on for a while and just almost-finished?
A pretty book necklace charm! :D I found a broken, old pencil sharpener and was desperate for scissors so I took the blade out of the sharpener and cut fabric, then put it on the book (with glue XD) and now it's really really pretty :) (how ironic is it that I was searching for scissors all day, then after I cut the fabric I found a pair of scissors on the bathroom counter? XD) So yeah, I'ma post pictures sometime... It still doesn't have its pages in it though because I can't sew so I have no sewing kit, so I'm gonna have to find a needle and stuff to put simple stitches in... How fun XD But yes, I'm quite happy with my li'l journal book :) 
But right now it's 2:58 in the morning (insomnia much?) so I'm just gonna go to bed then like... Wake up and upload this XD (Whoa I go on about nonsense when I'm tired.)
SOO I'M AWAKE AND HAVE BEEN FOR A LONG TIME. ;D I just got a chance to write this so yay xD So it's 4:03 PM aaand I've been working on the necklace book! ^^ It's about 85% complete. :D I put in a bunch of pages, but had no needle so just wrapped thread around the middle and tied lots of knots in it, it sort of works ^^ Now I just have to add the metal thing-a-ma-blob and the clasp, and it will be 90% done, then write something in it and it will be 100% done! Yay! So I'll post pictures... Like... Whenever :) (gonna take the pictures in a while, then go through all my uploading stuff and y'know, upload it here. XD)


  1. Yay!!!! This post made me happy! Probably because you're happy :D

    I thought the story was very exciting, though a little bit disjointed, but you warned me about that, so it's all good :D

  2. And I can't wait to see the whole, complete, shining-beautiful necklace :)

  3. The stories not bad at all, you added all those small details that grabs the readers attention. (If your me anyway. ;D) This is why you shall fit perfectly in the role-play. >3>
