Monday, April 4, 2011

Friends. There 'til the end?

Have you ever been scared and not known what to do?
Maybe. Maybe a parent died, maybe you had to take on a giant responsibility. Maybe something else. 
Have people ever pressured you to do something you really wanted to do but didn't want to do? Were you in a giant argument with yourself, ever? Have you ever felt depressed for no reason? Do you feel unaccepted for your flaws? Have you ever been lonely?
Welcome to my life. 
Welcome to all the pain and depression, the arguments and the negatives. Welcome to the darkness, the unknown, the unaccepted. 
Sometimes all you need is a friend, though. Sometimes a hug, or a compliment, or help on your homework. Sometimes you just need to take a breath and keep calm. 

I'll try to be that friend you need. I'll try to be the one who hugs you, helps you with your homework, and gives you personal therapy. I'll be your doctor when you need one, your advice giver, your pet, your listener. Just open up to me, and let me love you. 

Sometimes the best therapy is a friend.

(P.S. This blog was going to be about not talking but who cares about that anymore?)


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