Sunday, May 1, 2011

My life...

This year has been unexplainable for me. There has been so much stuff going on...
First off:
Last year, five days before my birthday, I stopped talking. I've never been able to explain why; it just happened. Well, this year I found something out that explained my WHOLE LIFE. 
I'm electively mute. 
This is an anxiety disorder, where I can only talk in some situations. For me, those "some situations" are through writing-- But I've found I can't talk to EVERYONE through writing. That's another thing. 
So I said it's an anxiety disorder, right? Well, I'm anxious around adults. If they laugh at me or try to talk to me or touch me, I have no idea what to do. Or when people hug me or, pretty much just touch me I freak out (with a few exceptions, like people I've known for a while that are under 17 years old). I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. 

Elective mutism is because I've never been socialized. (Nice one, parents...) So I've always been anxious in social situations, which caused parents to laugh at me which made me more anxious and stuff... It's NOT because I'm stupid, it's because I've never been socialized. It just happened. There's not much more explanation to that. I'd suggest looking up on google if you'd like more explanations. 

It'd be nice if everyone stopped talking about me not talking; because that's what lead me into depression. Yes, I am depressed. May not look like it, but I'm pretty much broken. It just gets worse every time someone teases me about not talking- which happens a LOT.

On a happier note on this blog, I'M GETTING A PUPPY!!!